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Our bulletins

Stack of folded newspapers with The Update in white text over the top and the QHRC logo in the top left corner

The Update

Contains general news and updates on human rights, discrimination, sexual harassment, and the work of the Commission.

Bi-monthly: 6 issues per year. Read the most recent issue: February 2024

Pile of hardcover books with Training in white text over the top and the QHRC logo in the top left corner 


Contains information on upcoming training across Queensland including locations, dates, times and registration.

Monthly: 12 issues per year. Read the most recent issue: March 2024

Aerial shot of a circle of people with their hands all clasped together in the centre, with The Dialogue in white text over the top and the QHRC logo in the top left corner 

The Dialogue

Contains tools, information, training and resources specifically for public entities, to help them carry out their obligations under the Queensland Human Rights Act.

Quarterly: 4 issues per year. Read the most recent issue: March 2024

Series of hardcover legal textbooks with The Brief in white text over the top and the QHRC logo in the top left corner 

The Brief

Contains news, case law, submissions, interventions, and resources to help lawyers and advocates stay informed on the application of the Human Rights Act 2019 and the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991.

Quarterly: 4 issues per year. Read the most recent issue: March 2024

Multicoloured hummingbird graphic on a white background with Human Rights Week 1-10 December in blue text next to it  

Human Rights Week bulletin

Contains information about Human Rights Week  (runs 1-10 December each year) including special Human Rights Week events, campaigns, and resources. 

Only sent in the lead up to and during Human Rights Week each year. Read the most recent issue: December 2023

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