Accessing information

Documents of the Queensland Human Rights Commission can be accessed in the following ways:

Publication scheme and disclosure log

You can access documents of the Commission through the Commission’s:

Some documents are currently only available as PDF format. Should you have difficulty accessing this information please contact the Right to Information Coordinator, who will endeavour to meet any reasonable request for an alternate version of the document without charge.

If the document you want is not on our website, contact us to see if we have it and can release it to you informally.

Accessing your complaint file under administrative release

This information is for parties to a complaint who seek to access copies of their documents on the complaint file.

The Commission strives to be open and accountable, and to provide as much information as possible.

Much of our work involves personal and confidential information, particularly in the complaint handling function. In general, the Commission's complaint handling function is confidential to the parties to the complaint. Complaint parties will be provided with all documents submitted by a party relevant to applying natural justice.

We have developed a policy for the administrative release of documents on complaint files to complaint parties.

You can apply for access to documents on your complaint file under the Commission’s administrative release policy by contacting your conciliator, if your complaint is ongoing, or by emailing

Making an application to access documents

If the information you seek cannot be accessed through the Commission’s publication scheme, disclosure log, administrative release, or otherwise, then you can make an application to access information under the Right to Information Act 2009 or the Information Privacy Act 2009.

The Information Privacy Act 2009 is used to process applications that seek access to information that is solely your personal information. The Right to Information Act 2009 is used to process applications that request access to a mixture of personal and non-personal information.

Fees and charges

A prescribed application fee and other charges for applications under the Right to Information Act 2009. The fees and charges include:

  • an application fee of $53.90 (this fee will increase to $55.75 from 1 July 2023);
  • a processing charge of $8.35 for each 15 minutes or part of 15 minutes spent processing the application, if it takes more than 5 hours to process the application (this fee will increase to $8.65 for each 15 minutes from 1 July 2023);
  • any actual access changes, and $0.25 for each page of black-and-white photocopy of a document.

There is no application fee for applications under the Information Privacy Act 2009, however, there may be access charges including:

  • any actual access charges, and $0.25 for each page of black-and-white photocopy of a document.

For further information on fees and charges visit the Queensland Government's website about Right to Information and Information Privacy.


An application must be made using the approved form.

Please note that if you are seeking documents containing your personal information, evidence of identity (for example, passport, birth certificate, driver licence) is required within 10 days of your application. A photocopy of a document must be certified as being a correct copy of the original by either a lawyer, notary public, commissioner for declarations, or a justice of the peace.

Send the completed form and evidence of identity (and the application fee if the application is made under the Right to Information Act 2009) to:

Right to Information Coordinator
Queensland Human Rights Commission
PO Box 15565
City East QLD 4002

or email to

If you are unable to download or access the form in this format (PDF) please contact the Commission's RTI Co-ordinator by phone 1300 130 670 or email

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Amending your own personal information

You can apply to amend your personal information if it is inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading under the Information Privacy Act 2009. There is no charge for this application.

For more information see the Office of the Information Commissioner's guide on how to amend your personal information.

Please note that evidence of identity (for example, passport, birth certificate, driver licence) is required within 10 days of your application. A photocopy of a document must be certified as being a correct copy of the original by either a lawyer, notary public, commissioner for declarations, or a justice of the peace.

Send the completed form and evidence of identity to:

Privacy Officer
Queensland Human Rights Commission
PO Box 15565
City East QLD 4002

or email to

If you are unable to download or access the form in this format (PDF) please contact the Commission's Privacy Officer by phone 1300 130 670 or email:

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