Publication scheme

Our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from the QHRC. It has been developed to give the community greater access to information held by government. Information is grouped and accessible through seven classes:

About us
Who we are and what we do

Our services
Services we offer

Our finances
What we spend and how we spend it

Our priorities
What our priorities are and how we are doing

Our decisions
How we make decisions

Our policies
Our policies and procedures

Our lists
Lists and registers


All information in our publication scheme is available free of charge, and most are available from our website.

Some documents listed in the publication scheme are currently only available as PDF. Should you have difficulty accessing this information please contact the Right to Information Co-ordinator, who will endeavour to meet any reasonable request for an alternate version of the document, without charge.

Feedback or complaints about our publication scheme

All feedback about our publication scheme is welcome, and can be sent to the RTI co-ordinator.

You have the right to complain if information identified in our publication scheme is not available. Complaints about the publication scheme will be managed in accordance with the Commission's Complaint Management Policy.

If you provide feedback, your personal information, including your email address, will be collected for the purposes of investigating and addressing your complaint.